Showing Tag: "hunting" (Show all posts)

A few short thoughts....

Posted by Chris & Mathilde Stuart on Tuesday, April 17, 2018,
The time has just been running away and our web page updates have suffered as a result. A few short thoughts from the last three months:


The whole hunting ethics saga in South Africa continues. With the unethical hunters cornering PHASA - pro "canned lion hunting", amongst other issues. Those more ethical hunters breaking away from PHASA to found CPHCSA. South African hunting is already viewed from overseas with a hint of disgust. Safari Club International and Boone&Crocket no lon...
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Another sad note on the hunting front!

Posted by Chris & Mathilde Stuart on Tuesday, November 14, 2017,

It seems as if many in the South African hunting fraternity are hell bent on driving another nail into the coffin of ethical hunting.

Firstly we had the using of dogs in leopard hunting, then came the infamous 'canned' lion saga, an issue still ongoing. Next the breeding of numerous colour mutant antelope species, which has angered many hunting organisations in Europe especially but also in the USA. In fact in our view it has reached ridiculous levels but the 'bubble' at least on this has b...

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Hunting Ethics

Posted by Chris & Mathilde Stuart on Saturday, August 19, 2017,

Guest blog: A letter from Gerhard von Hasseln to a disillusioned fellow hunter!

For introduction I mention that I have read your articles in the Man Magazine for which over the years I have also written some articles which were published. I arrived in South Africa in 1957 starting as a learner wool buyer. As a farewell present my father gave me a 9.3 x 62 rifle with which I shot my first bushbuck ram on a farm near Kei Road. I have hunted in six African countries though nowhere near as exten...

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Balance of Scale

Posted by Chris & Mathilde Stuart on Saturday, October 31, 2015,
It is already a while ago that Cecil the Lion was shot by an American dentist in Zimbabwe. The outcry, for a while, dominated the news, even rising to the level of the migrant crisis in Europe. Then a large Savanna Elephant tusker was shot by a trophy hunter in the south-east of the same country. Again, an outcry, because the Elephant had a name - a massive outcry against hunters, hunting outfitters and what they stand for. For a short time it pushed Nigeria's Boko Haram off the news headline...
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